We could go to bed earlier so we can get up earlier really it is no excuse in my books. You lose your freedom if you are hooked on TV or if you are a workaholic because you want a boat a flash car etc. Take stock about your excuse why you could not practice Pranayama and find out how you are being controlled by these reasons.
The next thing is people tell me they would not want to give up coffee, white sugar, meat, junk food, fast food, alcohol fizzy drinks etc. Why because these are all addictive things and they have great control over people. You are being controlled by all these things. You can't have any treats hm you can change your mindset and see that all the healthy foods are treats for your body they give nourishment to your body, vitamins, minerals, energy, good health so why would you want to be under the control of negative foods that keep you sluggish, hyperactive, stressed, iron deficient, hangover, give you diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.
You go to the doctor who prescribes you medication and he tells you this will control your blood sugar, this will control your cholesterol, this will control your blood pressure, this will control your aches and pain this will control your headaches, this will control your mood swings, hey you are being controlled!!!!
You have to go to the doctor regularly for your prescription the drug companies got you under their thumb and you have to become a workaholic to pay for it and to pay for the health insurance!!! Where is your freedom???
All you need is a bit of discipline to start practising Pranayama and soon you can start to experience some freedom. Isn't it a fact that when you go on holiday somewhere nice you take a deep breath and say wow I can do what I want for a little while, you take a BREATH!! that gives you a sense of freedom.
Studies have proven that people with a bit of discipline are happier than the once that allow themselves to be controlled.
Well I have turned the table on people, I know when they feel sorry for me that I have hot water instead of coffee or healthy food instead of junk food, I tell them how I feel sorry that they are under such control of their so-called treats, they really treat themselves with poison, that every time they have these so-called treats brings them closer to disease.
It saddens me to see how people, doctors drug companies, fast food places are so irresponsible only because they want control over the human race. When will people wake up and realise how they are really not free and how they have been under such control.
Break free from it, start practising Pranayama take a deep breath and with each inhales, breath in the freedom and with each out breath let go of being controlled.
I have found that when I started practising Pranayama, my body automatically wanted to change and my awareness grew to eat and drink more healthy, and I am so aware that if I feel I must have something every day it has a hold over me. And we all on occasions overeat or have something that is not completely healthy, and this is fine, so long it has no hold over us so long we can be without it.
Pranayama can be incorporated throughout your day if a sit-down practice is not possible, as we can stop a few minutes during the day and take our focus to our breath, become aware of our breath even if it is only for a few minutes and it will already make a world of difference.
There are many ways you can fit a pranayama breathing exercise into your day, no matter how busy you are. It creates awareness and with it freedom and the ability to choose and make changes. Remember you can choose to have junk food, coffee, alcohol all these things, but do you really enjoy being controlled by it? Now I can really enjoy a coffee once in a while without getting hooked on it or I can eat junk food, I must say so that when I do I wished I did not as it makes me feel unwell, and this is why I choose not to have it very often, is it really worth it to feel sick after overeating, is it worth it to get indigestion, is it worth it to get a hangover the next day????
Observer yourself and listen to your mind chatter, what are the things that control you, what are the things you do without thinking about it just because you need it and are hooked on it?
Everything becomes crystal clear just like these ice crystals on this branch.