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Saturday, 11 February 2017

Benefits from practicing Pranayama, Mudra with Mantra

The benefits you get from practising Pranayama, MudraMantra, Meditation, Visualisation and using Colours all depend on how often you practice and for how long you practice. This means, the longer you practice the greater the benefits. But even eleven minutes twice a day can make a great difference. So whatever time you have is just fine.

If you working with chronic ailments to rip the benefits you need a longer practice. If you work on emotional and mental issues, remember you learn and grow for the rest of your life, but a long practice or integrating the practice into your day will benefit you the most and will help deal with everyday challenges. 

An example, I had suffered from severe migraines for close to thirty-eight years, and when I started my practice of Pranayama and Mudra, I practised for about one to three hours a day and I was free of Migraines within two to three weeks, and at the same time I also got rid of very bad sciatica I had for about ten years. It is not always possible to do such a long practice, but the result was just amazing. 
And I was impressed with how quickly it worked for my migraines. 

So what benefits can you achieve, I will give you my experience here, and as you are all different, and your practising time varies, you may experience different benefits. 
1. No more migraines or headaches
2. No more Sciatica problems.
3. My menstrual problems disappeared, and I had the easiest transition into menopause. No menopausal problems at all. I use to suffer badly from PMT.
4. Bowel motions became regular and daily, use to suffer from constipation
5. My breathing became better, I use to be a very shallow breather and could hardly hold my breath, now I feel my lungs expanding and I can take a very deep and long breath. It will also help asthmatics.
6. My fitness improved a lot, my heart rate used to go up very high at any stage I did cardio exercises or hill walking. Even as a child, I had great difficulties in walking up hills or stairs, now this is much better. My heart rate could easily get into the 200, and now even when I do not exercise regularly my heart rate may go to about 170 if I work out hard.

7. My immune system is much stronger, many of my friends comment why I am not getting a cold or the flu, have not had it for many years now, when others come down with it yearly. I have not needed to go to a doctor in ten years.

8 My gums have improved, use to have gingivitis off and on. 
9. My joints are much better, use to sprain my ankle yearly, now I have not had a sprained ankle for a few years. 

10. My eyesight and pressure in the eyes had improved, so this is a difficult one to judge as my problem has been since birth, but now I can read longer, my eyes do not get so tired anymore, I can concentrate longer and my eyes just overall feel better.

11. I have been able to lose weight, and it has brought awareness to my eating habits, and I have been able to make easy lifestyle changes. I use to eat a lot of meat and loved it very much, now I am vegetarian and the transition was very easy. I am so much more conscious of what I eat, I eat to nourish my body, and have no need or desire to overindulge. It takes away cravings and any addictions to certain foods. 

12. My circulation has improved so much that I no longer get chilblains even so I have now moved to a colder climate. 

13. I have got rid of sinusitis and do not have a big problem with allergies anymore. 
14. My digestive system is working so much better, my metabolism improved too.

15. It helps with depression, lack of energy, grief, anger and so many emotional problems. It keeps picking me up and integrating Pranayama, Mudra, Mantra, meditation and colours into my day it feels so much easier to get through any challenges. The challenges will always come into our lives, but it is how we deal with them and how we cope with them, and for me, I can cope so much better with any challenge that comes along. I recognise quickly what the challenge is all about, and therefore it does not need to cause me any stress.

16. It reduces high blood pressure. And it is very calming and relaxing, at the same time it can be energising too. 
17. It reduces stress all kind of stress.

18. It helps with any aches and pains, and for me, I started getting arthritic fingers, swelling and stiffness, this has all gone now. It is helping my frozen shoulders a lot, it reduces rheumatoid arthritis, and here it is important to do a longer practice as these problems are very deep and for joints to heal it takes a very long time. 

I believe that using all these tools can make you healthy again, and it will keep you healthy and strong. It also helps you to be happier, more content, more peaceful and connected to your heart. Things become clearer, you will gain clarity about yourselves and how you function. The awareness that it creates on all levels is just amazing.
Being able to live a peaceful, stress-free and pain-free life, practising pranayama, mudra and meditation daily are certainly worth it! 
Using colours and becoming more aware of how you can learn through the colours you choose to wear or to eat and how they can help you with many things is wonderful. 
Using mantras as background music to cleanse your environment, changing your energy and energy field with positive energy gives extra healing. 

Below some of my older blogs posts that I wrote during the time the benefits from practising pranayama daily begun.

4.08.2011 I have been practising Pranayama for a year now

I have been practising pranayama just about a year now and the benefit is just incredible. Sciatica completely went. Headaches, migraines have gone since February. Arthritis has improved by 80 %. Frozen shoulders improved by 80% there is just a bit of restriction in movement left but no pain. I have lost 9 kg and kept it off I am the weight I was in my 20's and I was always told I had to accept the weight gain at my age, I proved them all wrong. A great improvement I am feeling is with my mind, I am so much calmer, my anger is very short lived and I snap out of frustrations very quickly, I feel I cope with stress so much better and I do not fight and struggle with things I can not change, I relax in to it and allow things to unfold without resisting the changes and the challenges of everyday life. My only weakness; coffee, but I feel it will sort itself out in time. I feel myself moving on to a new path, I feel so much healthier and stronger, energy is increasing and I feel I got my enthusiasm for life back. My eyesight, I feel my eyes do not get tired so easily and so the eyesight had improved a little over the past month there has been no more improvement. I am still hopeful as I know it will take time. To achieve the things I have done in one year is more then I could have ever asked for. I feel positive, excited and motivated. Thanks to pranayama.


And I am still here, using Pranayama, Mudra, Mantra and meditation as a tool to get through the challenges of life. I am still free of Migraines, Sciatica and feeling great. My sadhana is part of my daily living, it is my tool to stay healthy, to help me on all levels as Life will always throw challenges at all of us. The amazing part of Pranayama, mudra, chanting mantras or meditate, it is absolutely free and it is so beneficial in so many ways.

1000 days of working with Pranayama, mudra and meditation daily 28.05.13

I have now been working with pranayama for a thousand days. Some days my session has been three hours, some two hours some days ten minutes, but I have done some pranayama each day for one thousand days. Over these days I have introduced meditation and kundalini yoga to my practice of pranayama.
The benefit has just been great. I had my ups and downs and still have ups and downs the journey is not without its challenges, and there will be challenges to come along for the rest of my life. But it has all been worth it and I will continue my journey with pranayama, meditation, and kundalini yoga daily.
I think for me the highlight is NO MORE MIGRAINES! this is just so wonderful. Next is NO MORE SCIATICA that is also so great. All my physical pains from my problems with joints, frozen shoulders, and arthritis has reduced by about 85% this is huge as I now have many complete pain free days, it is unbelievable.
The improvement with my eyes is great and especially that the eye pressure has come down so far I am really pleased with it. I feel especially the pranayamas work on the physical level and it really is so easy but also I feel I sleep better and can relax on a deeper level than in the past.
The meditation and Kriyas have helped me a lot on my mental and emotional level. It is so great to get through grief, through anger and frustration, through insecurity and most of all, it opens doors to creativity, calmness and inner peace.

If we want to win a gold medal at the Olympics we have to work hard without the guaranty of winning, if we want to become rich and famous we have to work hard and without the guarantee of success. Whatever we want to achieve takes a lot of hard work without any guarantees. Yet most people are not prepared to put in some work toward their health and wellbeing. Our bodies mind, emotions and our souls are being neglected and always come last.

To me, my health and wellbeing are my top priorities now as when I feel happy, content and balanced and pain-free than I am able to achieve anything I want. With pranayama meditation and kundalini yoga, I learn patience, I learn to keep going, I get the energy, creativity, and motivation to go for what I desire. I also become aware and learn to see what is really important in life. I can make changes and I can be grateful for the things I have rather than chasing the things I can not have. Learning to live in the moment and understand life is all about, how one is living and appreciating each moment of our lives.

For me, my journey is with my practise pranayama, meditation, and kundalini yoga it is now truly part of my lifestyle. I have fou7nd the tool I have been looking for that is free of charge and that is helping me with any challenges it is helping me to live a happy and healthy life!

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