Many of my friends have been asking me this question.
Pranayama is controlled breathing, yoga breathing exercises, to control vital energy, life force and especially prana ( breath).
Regular practising of Pranayama increases the oxygen intake and regulates the flow of oxygen throughout the body. Without breath, we die. The baby takes its first independent breath as soon it is born. Pranayama is proven science. The following book helps us to see how science is proving that Pranayama works. "Yog In Synergy with Medical Science"
Acharya Balkrishna this book is available through
Yog in Synergy....
Pranayama should be practised daily and best between four am and seven am as during these time the oxygen intake increases by 40 %. Pranayama should be practised on an empty stomach. The power of Pranayama is beyond words. Even if Pranayama is practised outside the above times it will be very beneficial. Some Pranayama can be practised easily an hour after eating, and some should be practised at least three hours after eating.
But take a deep breath any time during the day, slow down your breathing and focus on your breathing that will make a big difference right away!
And then you can explore all the different breathing exercises available through many books and on YouTube. It is just amazing you will be surprised when you start all these different breathing techniques called Pranayama!
If you have the option of learning the pranayama from a qualified teacher this would be preferred, as it would be best at the beginning to learn the Pranayama from a qualified teacher.
When I got introduced to Pranayama, I did a course via Skype through Ajay Kumar, he was a wonderful teacher, and I was able to learn the most important Pranayama through him. This helped me to become more observant, and it helped me to identify quickly if I was doing a Pranayama correctly or not. So if you can please take the opportunity and learn the Pranayama through a qualified teacher.
If you do not have this option to work with a qualified teacher at first, you can learn the Pranayama through books and Youtube videos, but it is essential that you are very good at observing yourself and identify the differences in doing a breathing exercise correct or incorrect. After I had learned the main Pranayama through Ajay I then was able to learn much more Pranayama through books and Youtube and they all have been really great to learn them correctly. As there are so many different breathing exercises, just about one for any ailment it is great to learn all the ones that work for you best.
You can experience hyperventilation if practised incorrectly, you can experience dizziness, vertigo and even fainting if practised incorrectly or for too long at the beginning. So be aware and really be focused when you are learning the Pranayama, as they are very powerful and go very deep.
Deep healing on all levels can be achieved by practising Pranayama correctly and daily. By learning to observe your breathing, your breathing pattern, and by learning to control your breathing, by slowing your breath down, by practising many different breathing techniques you will become aware how powerful breathing and breath control is.
How Pranayama is a Healing experience
Pranayama, Mantra, Mudra, Meditation for health and wellbeing
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